Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Prank Loved Ones This Chrimbo With the Pet Petter Gift Box

Prank Loved Ones This Chrimbo With the Pet Petter Gift Box

Prank Loved Ones This Chrimbo With the Pet Petter Gift Box

I love PrankPack's fake boxes, which fool the recipients into thinking they've just unwrapped a Dream Griddle alarm clock or iArm mount for Apple gadgets, like we've seen before. A new one—and personal fave—is the Pet Petter box.

The Pet Petter is for poor sad pets who no longer get any cuddles. It goes at a speed of 85ppm (pets per minute)....or it would, if it were a real product. Because you see, these gift boxes are completely empty, with the idea being you put the real gift inside and trick the recipient. You better not put a real alarm clock or pet grooming tool in these boxes, or you may just get throttled.

Prank Pack's second new box this year is the family Slanket (sorry, Blankeez), which fits eight people—and even an SUV, so could even double up as a car cover! Or it could, if you know, it were real.

A special offer will net you three for $20, otherwise order as many as you want over on the product page here: [PrankPack]

Prank Loved Ones This Chrimbo With the Pet Petter Gift Box

Send an email to Kat Hannaford, the author of this post, at khannaford@gizmodo.com.

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Oh hey, I have the lamp that they shopped for the pet petter box. Reply

Are these related at all to The Onion's fake gift boxes? Cause man, I was probably the most unpopular person on the gift-giving circuit with those a few years back. You'll never forget the look on someone's face when they unwrap what appears to be a USB-powered toaster. And it looks like they have a new one this year, Department of Homeland Security Cologne!

[store.theonion.com] Reply

soft. warm. blue. enormous.

i dont know why, but that made me crack up. Reply

Anyone else noticed the typo on the petter? It says 'Pets Dogs' rather than 'Pats Dogs'...
ps: The cats face says its all with its 'WTF' look.

I would love to work for the design team there. It looks like fun. Reply

i'm considering the pet petter for my desk upstairs.

i'd like for it to move my mouse every few minutes to keep me from going idle while i'm downstairs watching TV and pretending to work from home. Reply

Kat Hannaford promoted this comment

So are these guys associated with The Onion News network? Or vice-versa? The Onion has been doing it for a while and they have other funny stuff like mugs and Christmas cards. My personal favorite:

[store.theonion.com] Reply

I could have sworn it's spelt 'Crimbo' not 'Chrimbo'.

#corrections Reply

I just save my boxes from the gifts I received last year: They are funny because they are true. This year I get to whip out the box of Dolmades (stuffed Greek grape leaves) that were made in Germany. The box is even tastier a year later. Reply

Soft. Warm. Blue. Enormous.

Yes, that IS what she said. Reply

Hey ladies... It pets ponies too. Reply

Ok, I love this. I've been meaning to order a couple of these for Christmas, and I'm glad I waited around for this, as it's a perfect gag-package for my parents.

For my brother, I ordered the Coffee-Talkie box. Reply

They stole the Pet Petter idea from the Garfield Christmas Special, where Garfield makes one for Odie from odds and ends he finds in the barn.
If you're going to steal ideas, at least make them "good" ideas.

Damn. I wish the Pet Petter was real. My cat sheds more hair that you can put in a cotton candy cone every day. Reply

Combined, they're perfect for chilly families with Avitarosmurfabluemangropatosis and kinky grooming petishes! Reply

Oh my God...

*snicker* You like it?

I've never gotten a more thoughtful gift!


Just think when I'm on vacation, Mr. Snickerdoodle will have something to comfort him!


*hugs* You're the kindest sweetest man I've ever met!

Maybe I should...


Oh......an iPod. Thanks, but......why did you put it in this box? Where's my auto petter?

-_-' Reply

Soft * Warm * Blue * Enormous.

Reminds me of....Cookie Monster? Reply

The perfect gift for Pleo owners the world over!


-Scott Reply

My wife is getting her present in a Blankeez box. Or the dream griddle. Reply

Okay, does anyone else have deja vu right now?

Wait, didn't I just ask that? Reply