Steve Jobs presented his plans for a giant, spaceship-shaped campus to the Cupertino City Council Tuesday.
“Apple is growing like a weed,” he said. “And as you know, we’ve always been in Cupertino.”
The company has staff scattered in rented buildings throughout the city. The plan for the future campus puts 12,000 to 13,000 employees inside a single four-story oval building.
Jobs, fresh off of WWDC, made a convincing case for what he calls “a shot at building the best office building in the world.”
By moving parking underground, 80% of the 150-acre property will be landscaped. Apple has hired the lead arborist from Stanford to fill it with 6,000 trees, and the company will build its own “energy center” power source.
Apple also pays more taxes than any other company in Cupertino, Jobs reminded the somewhat starstruck council.
“We’d like to continue to stay here and pay taxes,” he said. “Because if we can’t, we have to go someplace like Mountain View.”
It's round, it's beautiful, it holds fourteen thousand people. The new iBuilding.