Japanese designer Satoshi Umeno has created a beautiful wooden air purifier that looks like a miniature house. Dubbed the Chikuno Cube + House, the design consists of an all-natural wood base and a honeycomb cube of bamboo charcoal that cleans the air and freshens your home without the use of chemicals or electricity.

Satoshi Umeno, Chikuno Cube + House, charcoal purifier, natural deodorizer, sustainable design, natural design, green gadgets, interior design, household items

The Japanese have traditionally used charcoal – a product we usually associate with dirty outdoor grills – as a natural filter that absorbs impurities in air and water. It’s the same principal behind Brita pitchers and Bobble Bottles, although Satoshi Umeno‘ air cleaner uses a big block of aerated activated carbon. The block is created through a controlled burning process – pieces of charcoal are slowly heated in an oxygen-starved kiln until they become carbon.

+ Satoshi Umeno

Via Spoon&Tamago